Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Target: 1001 defeats to Bob - 1st one - ST Valentines day

Considering that Bob McHallewfarm embodies everything that is good, pure, fashion and lovely we have to defeat him. And I propose that the key to defeat him is to find exemples of moments or objects or events where EVIL, the true and unique spirit of Gaiz Diabhal, beats Good. 1001 defeats.

Here is the first contribute - Saint Valentine's day, such a priceless day, where couples all around the world join to celebrate their love in a very very very special ocasion.
Is it? NO!!!!! Most of the men just dont give a damn about the issue, they just want to watch some sports, or drinking a few beers with their friends, they mostly forget the day, and they pass all the day checking out the girl who sells houses on the next block. Girlfriends have a special place in our hearts...after being with our friends and watching a soccer game or any kind of sport.

Considering this obvious issue, and that girls are the first to be "eaten" by fashionably comercialism, they tend to get sad and mad with the boyfriends about it, so they get miserable, and most of the times the couple breaks up, so everyone gets miserable, AND THIS IS HOW EVIL PREVAILED OVER GOOD!!!

KILL KILL KILL AND SUE KOSS!!!(this one was orgasmic)

-Buru Har

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